Description about meteopalacio

Meteorological data are taken daily at the Doñana National Park Palace.

Item Description Units
TS TS Dry bulb thermometer temperature in ºC ºC
TH TH Humid bulb thermometer temperature in ºC ºC
Tmax Tmax Maximum temperature in ºC ºC
Tmin Tmin Minimum temperature in ºC ºC
Tmed Tmed Average temperature in ºC (Tmax+Tmin)/2 ºC
DH DH Frost days T<O T<O
DL DL Presence 1 or Non-presence 0 of rain
Prec Prec Daily precipitation in mm mm
PAcum Prec Daily precipitation in mm mm
Osc Osc Daily thermal oscillation (Tmax-Tmin) ºC